Hear and Now Podcast
Hear and Now Podcast
Let's Talk about the Saints, Shall We? Part 2
It's the 137th episode of Hear and Now Podcast! Tune in to hear a recap of the last few months of saint chasers from our amazing guests!
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Saint Shirt
I Believe Fridge Magnet
15 Promises of the Rosary
Saint Chaser Clips, in order of appearance:
Patti Armstrong
Roxanne Salonen
Allison Gingras
Fr. Jonathan St. Andre
Claire Dwyer
Dr. Matthew Breuninger
Tammi McCarthy
Tabitha Kidman
Deanne Miller
Colleen Scariano
Elizabeth Marcolini
Find Heather: Website, Instagram, Shop
Find Sophia: Website, Instagram, Shop
Interested in sponsoring or being a guest? Email us: hearandnowpod@gmail.com
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